Insider reveals a major turnaround in the Tyler Bertuzzi contract talks

Tom Banks
June 28, 2024  (10:16)

Tyler Bertuzzi of the Toronto Maple Leafs.
Photo credit: Sportsnet

After reports emerged that Tyler Bertuzzi may be squeezed out in Toronto this off-season, it appears that may not be the case after all.

The Toronto Maple Leafs made some bad moves last summer, but one that doesn't fit into that category is the free agency pickup of Tyler Bertuzzi. In his first season with the Maple Leafs, he appeared in 80 of a possible 82 games, tallying a very solid 21 goals and 43 points, a worthy investment for Toronto.
Now however, the team are fighting to bring him back in free agency, with the word around the NHL that he was gone after Casey Mittelstadt signed a deal in Colorado that many thought would price him out of Toronto. That stance may have changed now according to TSN's Chris Johnston;
"Tyler Bertuzzi, who some have thought is out the door in Toronto, that's not so. It sounds like Tyler Bertuzzi is very willing to work with the Leafs when it comes to the length of the contract, even the money," revealed Johnston.

"I don't think this is a case «pay me this or I'm out the door», I don't think there's any hard lines being drawn, and all things being equal, Tyler Bertuzzi would like to remain in Toronto but both of them are waiting to see is there money there, is it a priority for the Leafs as they look to shore up their blue line.»
This doesn't make his return a done deal, with the team needing to improve on the blue line and likely bring back Max Domi too, but if Bertuzzi can help out by working with them on a deal, it would endear him to Maple Leafs fans even more.