"Rempe has almost revived the heavyweight title belt back in the NHL. It feels like this young jam and this kid coming in now is maybe even pissing off some of the other guys around the league, saying, who the f*ck is this young punk? But, hey, were they scrapping like this before?
Was there this much talk around fighting, what, two months ago? No, there wasn't. And for you young kids coming up, all you vanilla lates who want to play third, four, fourth line and think he could skill it up, take a page out of Matt Rempe's book, because if this kid wants, he'll be making about a million bucks, maybe 1.5 till he's blue in the face.
So, maybe, who knows? Maybe he starts developing his skills a little bit more, and next thing you know, he's going to be making 3 million on the next contract because he grabbed his nutsack and he got to the league and he doesn't care.
And he'll challenge anyone ready to fucking go. That's what we need to see , more of in the National Hockey League."