Gary Bettman sheds light on why Maple Leafs could not sign Joel Quenneville

Graham Montgomery
June 9, 2024  (8:23 PM)

Former NHL head coach Joel Quenneville
Photo credit: ESPN

Gary Bettman revealed yesterday that former Chicago Blackhawks head coach Joel Quenneville is still not eligible to sign with an NHL club.

Quenneville, of course, resigned from his last NHL job with the Florida Panthers during the 2021-22 season. He has since effectively been suspended by the league, unable to sign with any team.
Statement from NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman on the resignation of Joel Quenneville.
Gary Bettman was asked about Quenneville's status during his state of the league address yesterday. The commissioner confirmed that both Quenneville and former Blackhawks gm Stan Bowman remain ineligible to sign with NHL teams.
Stan Bowman and Joel Quenneville are currently "not eligible" to work in the NHL but both have "reached out seeking an opportunity to come back", which Gary Bettman will consider.
That being said, Bettman also revealed that both Bowman and Quenneville have since sought reenlistment from the league. However, he admitted that he still has a lot to consider before he comes to a conclusion for either of them.
Gary Bettman says Joel Quenneville and Stan Bowman remain ineligible to work in the NHL. Says he still "has to consider" if or when that might change.
Of course, this means that Leafs were not able to sign Quenneville this summer even though there may very well have been interest from the team. Instead, they chose to settle for Stanley Cup champion head coach Craig Berube. It would seem then, that there is a good chance that Quenneville may never return to the NHL. If Bettman has not found a reason to reinstate the coach by now, he likely never will.