Nazem Kadri Gives His Story About Sharing Pictures With Mike Babcock

Tyler Ball
September 13, 2023  (2:57 PM)

Throughout the last few days Mike Babcock has been caught in the midst of a scandal. He allegedly forced players to allow him to look through their phones. Now Nazem Kadri has shared his perspective on the events that have unfolded.

Kadri Speaks On His Experiences

Nazem Kadri spoke with Kristen Shilton of ESPN to share his similar experience with Mike Babcock.
showed [Babcock] a few pictures, but I think it was pretty innocent.

Kadri's response seems to be on par with other players around the league since the incident too place.
Boone Jenner captain of the Blue Jackets shared a statement at the same time as Babcock in response to the allegations.
He asked me about my family and where I'm from, my upcoming wedding and hockey-related stuff. He then asked if I had pictures of my family and I was happy to share some with him. He showed me pictures of his family. I thought it was a great first meeting and good way for us to start to build a relationship. To have this blown out of proportion is truly disappointing

While most of the sources involved in this scandal seem to believe it's not a big deal a few former NHLers refuse to let it go.

Former NHLers Come Out Against Babcock

Multiple former NHLers are still unhappy with the result of this situation. Most notably the person who brought the accusations against Babcock Paul Bissonnette.
Tell Babs to knock off the bulls—,» Bissonnette posted. «Enough with putting guys on the spot in the coaches room asking them to link their phones up to airplay mode and grilling them. I've had tons of players confirm it.
Former Leaf and current NHL analyst Frank Corrado also gave his response in favor of the players.
Finally Mike Commodore is the last former NHLer to be not so convinced of Mike Babcock's innocence.
All of these accusations come from former players 2 of which played for Babcock and have strong negative opinions of him. While the accusation may be true it seems as though things are starting to move away from Babcock being found of doing anything wrong.